Little ray of sunshine |
Sun: Annie says it'll come out tomorrow (bet your bottom dollar). The Beatles say it's already coming (it's alright). Some group with a strange name threatens to soak it up and tell everyone to "lighten up."
(Shine) The Temptations (the ones who sing 'My Girl') say they've got it on a cloudy day. Someone else [John Denver] thinks having it on his shoulders makes him happy.
(Rise) A precariously placed fiddler tells us it's accompanied by a sunset and follows swiftly through the years. Griselda (I think, the old one from Cats) has to wait for it, she looks for a new day and musn't give in.
(Beam) Jesus wants me to be one.
I'd start including Hymns, but then we'd be here forever.
Song lyrics have a surprisingly good shelf life in my memory store.
So I've had a lot of time to think about what I said in my last letter. I've received advice and inspiration from several sources. When you hear the same thing twice, you start paying more attention, you know? Anyway, being here in the unpredictable weather, where some days are sunny and bright and others unpredictable, has taught me a lot. There are days when your best fashion accessory is your umbrella and then the wind kicks up and you can't use it and you just get wet and it's frustrating. But I have clarity. It's rainy, but I know the sun is there, that this is just a passing storm (even if it seems to be a long one).
But there are people out here who don't know it [the sun] is there. They live without the hope of God's light, and for them, the storm seems hopeless and endless.
And that's really why I'm here. To help them see the sun again, and know it is always there.
I went on an intercambio this week with an Hermana who [Lieberum] -in her own way- taught me the importance of being positive. And so, although not much in my situation has changed, my outlook definitely has. And that has made all the difference.
Placing a Book of Mormon |
I've been being more careful and specific in my prayers. We always pray for people to teach and to find prepared people, but this week I found myself praying more earnestly for simple things like "help us to talk to nice people today" (which has made contacting a much more pleasant experience) and "help us to be in the place you need us, in the moment you need us there." And I was able to see both of those brought to pass this week. My favorite was with Carmen. It has always been hard to find something useful to do here on Sunday night, and after a couple phone calls we decided to do pass bys but didn't know which area to go to. We thought maybe to go to Sestao- a place we hadn't been yet (because it's kind-of far away)- but weren't sure. We were so indecisive, but decided to say a prayer. After the prayer, we fixed our course for Sestao, and hopped on the metro. After a little while, the lady sitting next to Hermana Randall turned to us and asked if we were Mormons. We said yes, and started talking to her. Carmen has been in Spain for 5 years and has tried to find the church here, but was never able to. She said she lost her Book of Mormon in the move and has felt the "falta"[lack] in her life. I gave her the book I always carry, and we gave her the direction to the church, exchanged numbers, and left feeling so grateful for the opportunity to help her find God again. It was such a neat blessing, and one that we really needed this week.
To close, I just want to share with you some of my favorite song lyrics. They're to a song called "The Sun Will Come" and it's been a long time, so for those of you who have Google, look it up, because these probably aren't quite right, but they're close enough. [If you google it you’ll probably only get the Annie version, it’s written by Craig Petrie and available at www.petriefamily.org “The Son Will Come”, I’ll include the full lyrics at the bottom. This is a song we learned in our ward choir.]
Father, oh hear my prayer! Behold this child of thine, I long for heaven there. I've labored on the path that leads to Thee, oh how I long to stand before Thee worthily! But my life is filled with darkness, plagued with sin, how can I thy hallowed house in Heaven enter in? What more can I do, than call on Thee? And in my desperate hour, Thy spirit saith to me, "The sun will come, to light the way, to change the darkest night to brightest day. Thou hast given thy part, what is left undone is in His hands. God will send the sun."
What more can I do, than call on Thee? And in my desperate hour, thy spirit saith to me, "The Son will come, to light the way, to change the darkest night to brightest day. Thou hast given thy all, what is left undone is in His hands. God will send His
Basking in the Savior's light.
Have a great week.
-Hermana Een
The Son Will Come
Father, O hear my prayer,
Behold this spot of ground, my garden growing there;
I've labored long to plant each precious seed,
Oh make them grow; the winter harvest we shall need.
Yet the sun has thus refused to give its light,
And the storm, with rain and flood now threatens in its might,
What more can I do, but call on Thee?
And in my desperate hour, thy Spirit saith to me:
The sun will come
To light the way,
To change the darkened skies
To brightest day.
Thou hast giv'n thy part;
What is left undone
Is in His hands, have faith,
God will send the sun.
Father, O hear my prayer,
Behold this child of thine, I long for heaven there;
I've labored on the path that leads to thee,
How I desire to stand before thee worthily.
Yet on earth, my robes are darkened, stained in sin,
How can I thy hallowed home in heaven enter in?
What more can I do, but call on Thee?
And in my desperate hour, thy Spirit saith to me:
The Son will come
To light the way,
To change the darkened skies
To brightest day.
Thou hast giv'n thy part;
What is left undone
Is in His hands, have faith,
God will send His Son.
With all thy mind and heart,
Strive to do thy part.
After all ye can do,
God's mercy will shine though.
The Son will come
To light the way,
To change the darkened sky
To brightest day.
Thou hast giv'n thy part;
What is left undone
Is in His hands, Oh have faith,
God will send His Son.