9 months: let's be honest, everyone's first thought is "pregnant" but it's also significant because it marks the half-way point in a Sister Missionary's service. Or as my family apparently would say (quoting the words of Bon Jovi) "You're half way there, whoa, living on a prayer" which is surprisingly accurate in this occasion.
This week has been a beast. We ran everywhere and taught un montòn [a lot]. The ayudantes (assistants to the President, a very important calling) decided that all of concilio (leadership council) should hit the pautas (mission goals). So we did. But the problem with pautas is that my companion and I were constantly frustrated with the way it made us think. It's a delicate balance, something meant to push you but sometimes it gets you going a little bit in the wrong direction, focusing more on the number of lessons and investigators than the quality of visits and seeing returning members. It's hard to keep your heart in the right place. But it is possible. And looking back on the week, I can see the good that we've done. And that helps.
This week I had the great opportunity to go on an intercambio with Hermana Cragun, fresh from the Provo MTC with only a month as a missionary. I've decided to start taking intercambio selfies with an "I got hopelessly lost with Hermana Een!" sign. It was great to work with her. The energy of new missionaries makes you realize that maybe... you've lost it. But it gives you a little re-charge and helps you go on.
Our companionship is going great, Hermana Wiseman is doing better at recognizing my Disney movie references (which is gratifying) and made a really funny joke yesterday, so I'm rubbing off on her. ;)
I guess the miracle this week would be Alejandro. We contacted him on a bench almost three weeks ago but because of his late work schedule, haven't been able to meet with him again. But the Daytons gave an incredible fireside this past Sunday, we invited him, and he came! He has a lot to change in his life, but he's on the search for truth, peace, and meaning, and we're excited to help him find it.
Willy came to church and is on the precipice of membership. He's so beyond prepared... we just need to help him realize it. The Daytons also came to our sacrament meeting and I know that speaking with them helped.
Edit is an incredible new investigator that just sort-of fell into our laps this week. He wandered into the church during sacrament meeting 2 Sunday's ago, came to English classes on Wednesday, came to the sports activity on Saturday morning, we gave him a church tour after, invited him to a baptism that night and then (why not) we invited HIM to be baptized the end of August. He said yes, and already loves the church, and met the Daytons.
These three men couldn't be more different. But the gospel will help, and has already helped, all of them.
Concilio was yesterday (hence, a Tuesday letter) and it was different from the one with the Paces, but just as good in different ways. Hermana Jimenez is leaving this transfer and it was weird saying goodbye. It's impossible to catch-up completely with the other missionaries you know in such a short time. So much happens in a month.
It's strange to consider how far I've come; thousands of miles from my home, a foot or two of spiritual growth, and several inches in my hair. But there's so much that I still want to do better. I want to work on listening to and recognizing the spiritual promptings and serving more completely my calling.
This calling to serve as a missionary really is a gift, one that I want to understand better and use to its full potential.
Love and prayers,
Hermana Een